T is for Trust in God




T is for trust in God. God is our Creator, the One who made us, so it is reasonable that He asks us to trust Him. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." (Proverbs 3:5,6) In order to trust someone, you really have to have a relationship with that person. My relationship with God started when I was a child, but it's not the kind of relationship that you simply inherit. It requires time and commitment. Prayer and study of God's Word have been key components in my own quest to develop a personal relationship with God, my Father and Friend.

For those of you who have been reading this newsletter since last January, you may remember that I committed to reading through the entire Bible in 2022. I'm happy to report that I am on track to meet that goal: I just have the last 6 chapters of Revelation left to read, and two days left on the calendar! My journey through God's Word this year has been one of joy, peace, and questions. Yes, "joy, peace, and questions" can go together. In the end, though I don't understand everything I read, there's more evidence to support my trust in God than there is to undermine it. I encourage you to spend time developing a relationship with God as well. Just remember to pray as you open the Bible. People who see it simply as "good literature" aren't reading to find relationship. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you read. He loves to answer that prayer!

Here are some ideas to encourage your Bible reading:

  1. Start with an obtainable goal--if you haven't done it before, maybe just decide to read a few minutes every day. As you build up stamina, add more time. Or maybe just decide to read one chapter, and start with the New Testament. Be sure to choose a version you can understand.
  2. Consider using an app to track your progress, or listening while you fix lunches or drive to work. I don't think I would have made it through the whole Bible this year if I had always been sitting down reading.
  3. Try journaling while you read. I found this helped me make sure I was looking for a life application to what I read. Even when I listened, I knew I was going to have to write something later, so it helped me pay attention to what I was hearing.
  4. Choose a time that works for you and stick to it. I find I need to do this in the morning. I have more motivation in the morning. But everyone is different, so find what works for you and do it!
  5. When you get off track, remember there's always tomorrow. (Or tonight, if your plan is to read in the morning!) Give yourself some grace, and just keep starting over, if you need to. If you get bogged down in one book of the Bible, try another book.
  6. Find someone to hold you accountable. Or read as a family. Or post on Facebook. Or whatever helps you stick to your goals.

The T in CREATION is in the middle--and I pray that you'll put God first, last, and in the middle of your life as you seek to experience the abundant life God wants you to have.

Next month, we will look at I. I is for Interpersonal Relationships.

Be sure to check out the Trust in God page of the Creation Life website for more resources, including a video and numerous articles about how "Trust in God" impacts our health and longevity, as well as our family, work, and quality of life.

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