CREATION Health: C is for Choice


Introduction: The apostle John wrote the following words to his friends: "Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well." (3 John 2) As we move through the school year, we'll take a look at one letter per month from the word CREATION to help us grow healthy bodies, minds, and spirits. I'm getting my inspiration from the Advent Health's Creation Kids program and their Creation Life website.

C is for Choice. The Bible teaches us to choose. "Choose life, so that you and your children may live." (Deuteronomy 30:19)

We all have choices. Making choices is something we all do every single day. Kids might choose which uniform shirt to wear to school, what flavor of juice to pack for lunch, or whether to eat their main course or their vegetable first. Teens might choose which shoes to buy, which music to download, or whether to do their homework or their chores first. Adults might choose to follow the speed limit, set a positive example to their kids, answer a co-worker with a kind word, or whether to fill the tank with gas today or wait until tomorrow. Knowing how to make good choices is an important part of being healthy.

Some decisions don't require a lot of consideration: which color shirt to wear, obeying the speed limit (especially when a police vehicle is behind you!), and so on. Some choices take a little more thought: which fruits to serve for breakfast and which to pack for lunch, whether to take a sweater to school depending on the weather forecast, etc. And sometimes we really need to weigh the consequences before making a big decision: where enroll the kids in school, whether to buy or lease a car, or where to go on vacation.

Kids learn to make decisions by getting practice, so let them choose the little things, and then move up to bigger decisions. Model the thought that goes into making decisions, like setting goals, discussing options with trusted individuals, and thinking about the short- and long-term consequences. Remember to let them experience the consequences of their decisions, even though sometimes those results are not pleasant. This is how they learn to make good choices!

"Choose this day whom you will serve... But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15) Our most important choice in life is who will be our Master. I encourage you today to choose to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart... and He will direct your paths." (Proverbs 3:5). As you trust in Him, He will give you the ability to make choices that will bring health to your body, mind, and spirit. Then you'll be able to help your family make good choices too!

Next month we will look at R. R is for Rest!

Be sure to check out the Choice page of the Creation Life website for many more resources about how "Choice" impacts our health, our family, our kids, and every aspect of life.

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